Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Well it is 11:30 on Tuesday night and all I have finished for Project Run and Play’s Special Occasion Outfit is the bodice, but it’s lime green and I love lime green… LB picked the colors Royal Purple and Green. I had a totally different idea in my head for the dress, but wasn’t quite sure how to execute it all, so I stole a bodice from one pattern and a skirt pattern I’ve come up with that I know works . Now to see if I can make it the shape I want it to be… So far the bodice is looking good, but darn this stuff is slippery to sew.

The picture doesn't do the colors justice the purple is much brighter as is my fav lime green.

Off to bed and then back at it tomorrow morning. I know AJ hates that I need the kitchen table for laying out all the fabric. Guess he’ll just have to eat around my cutting mat….

Monday, January 30, 2012

Just have one of those days…. Well I am or to say it better “we are”. Miss LB is having a day of no co-operation just when Mom wants her to stand nice so I can take a picture of her in her Valentine’s Day Dress she has a melt down. She’d tried it on earlier, no problems lots of smiles then I noticed it needed a change.

Reminds me of a Barbie dress

I didn’t like how the bottom layer ended up so much longer then the other layers, each black and white layer is ½ inch wider then the one before, not sure where my math went on this one but it was definatly more then a ½ inch difference. So I had to stitch rip it all apart, shorten the layer and reattach it all. With Baby B and LB running around it sure cuts into my sewing time, as it took a couple hrs to stitch rip and reattach between baby chasing, feeding and changing.

The second fitting didn’t go as well. Lots of tears, mom getting frustrated because I’m having one of those days too. Bribery of Smarties (don’t judge me you would resort to bribery too if she was your child).

See what bribery gets me, a smiling happy child.
All Smiles Now



I love the ruffled layers, like a layered Cupcake. I had the fabric picked out months ago just for that one special day, February 14th but what to do with it, layered skirts had been my original thought but since one of my goals was to properly install a zipper at least once, I thought I’d better make a dress.
I took a simple skirt and bodice pattern, retraced it out on pattern paper, then cut the skirt in strips each skirt strip 1/2 inch shorter then the first. Each ruffle is 3 inches wide and then sewed them together in layers working from the top of the skirt all the way to the bottom.
I also machine stitched on the heart it didn't turn out too bad but if you look close one sides larger then the other.... hey don't go back and look.....
This would be why Miss LB was trying my patience
Maybe I should join her?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Here's what I've been trying to accomplish by friday so I can submit it to Project Run and Play. If anyone watches Project Runway this is the kids version and I always find the blog after it's started. I need to get better at blog stalking.

This weeks project is Through the Decades, I chose 1950's as I love the womens styles dresses and how classy the women always looked even if they were just at home baking cookies.

I chose this pattern. My Grandma Funk had originaly recived it in the mail Jan 11, 1955 and it was a 2 cent stamp on the envelope. She had written on the envelope Judy's Baby Dress (who is my dad's sister).

I started tracing out the original pattern and then cut the fabric out and started following instructions which were fairly clear to follow. I had my assistant B over seeing.

and after a few fittings, which always go so well.
Why mom why?

I finally finished LB looks like she stepped out of the 50's
Tea anyone?

I had so much fun making this for project run and play, can't wait to start the next one.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I have to say I love Project Run and Play I watch and wait, and then every time I miss the start, this time I’ve only missed 2 weeks. Next week is through the Decades, you pick a decade and sew an inspired outfit. So I asked friends for help, searched my patterns and to my surprise many friends offered up their patterns, and to my bigger surprise I found patterns from the 50’s that had originally been my Grandmothers. (Thank goodness for my mom who never tosses anything to do with sewing)

Here are the pattern’s, they even have the original envelope that my Grandma had received them in the mail with the post mark 1955 and 1954 wow what a treasure.
Summer Dress


I’ve choosen this pattern

                              With this fabric

Wish me luck

Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome 2012

What is your resolution? Do you make resolutions? I've been following Katy from No Big Dill at http://thedillspiel.blogspot.com/ where she's posted at Me Sew Crazy about ReSewlutions http://www.mesewcrazy.com/ and that has me thinking about all my unfinished projects calling my name reminding me that I have hidden these away as if I'm ashamed of them.
My goal for this month is to finish at least 2 sewing projects (I know how ambitious of me, but hey I have 3 kids that's my excuse). 
1) a Blouse for LB
  • I'm afraid of button holes so afraid I've never made an outfit requiring them I go to all lengths to avoid anything with button holes. If it requires a button closure I use velcro (I know how tacky) or a button and a loop of elastic, oh look I have snaps... at least I'm creative.
2) Under the Sea Quilt
  • I started this quilt for me niece for her first birthday (she'll be 3 in February) so I'd better get on it and finish.
My two goals for this month that do not involve sewing (ok maybe a little sewing...one word: curtain's is all I'm going to say)
1) Finish the living room
  • One wall is painted (hey you try painting a living room with a 2yr old and 9 month old who want to touch everything) so paint two more walls and either make, acquire or buy some chocolate brown curtains.
2) Organize (I know what a dirty word) the kitchen
  • Things are piling up in the kitchen time to organize put away/throw away all this clutter.
Sew what are your resolutions?