Ever wonder how to
make a little girls Bubble Dress, well you can with just these few items
* My Bubble Dress is a size 2/3 (for a very small 3yr old) but it's all based on yopur bodice size and how much you gather the skirts.
1. Jelly
Roll of Fabric 20 Strips 42” long (keep 5 separate you can mix and match or
coordinate) I got mine from Walmart from the Fabric Palette collections.
2. 1
coordinating fat quarter 18x20 inch piece of fabric
3. 1
remnant of fabric that is 18X36 you can have a smaller/shorter piece as this is
for the lining and the length of the strips end up being 21” long and if your
lining is shorter your dress is short it’s all in the look you want.
4. 1
inch Elastic
5. Sleeveless
Bodice pattern (I have one that I’ve been using for a while can’t remember where I found it)
6. Sewing
7. Iron
8. Thread
9. Pins
I stitched 15 of my Jelly Roll strips together side by side, I
kept 5 of these separate for the neck straps and waist straps and front bodice
coordinating piece.
Once you have all 15 stitched together it looked like this.
9 of my 15 strips |
Because each strip is 42” long I then cut my 15 striped
piece in half and stitched them to the side of my first batch of 15
strips. I then had 30, 21 inch strips in
a row.
I then sewed the first and last strips together so it became
a big tube.
You can’t really tell it’s a tube of fabric but aren’t the
colors beautiful.
I then cut out my bodice a front and back (2 pieces) out of the coordinating fabric
18x20 inch, as well I used the same pattern pieces to cut lining. I added little pleats at the top and
bottom on the front of the bodice for more style. I quite like how it turned
All I did was make the bodice longer between the shoulders
and measured in ½ inch for two pleats on each side right where I wanted to
place my straps.
1/2 inch pleats |
The straps are two of the strips that were set a side. I coordinated
mine to match the front and back , I stitched them right sides together and
then turned them through and top stitched each strap to keep them looking neat
and tidy after washings.
I placed the straps in between the right sides of the bodice
best way to understand is to see a picture
Straps on Bodice |
And pinned it all in place
Sew across the top of the bodice and do the same with the
back bodice piece, putting right sides together and stitching across the top.
(You don’t have to, but I Ironed each bodice piece)
Then flip the two pieces open and lay each on top of the
other and pin the right sides together
(I don’t have a picture for that one and it’s hard to describe) and
stitch down each for the side seams. It becomes another tube.
Flip them back around so wrong sides are together the neck
straps are loose at one end and attached to the top of the bodice. Now top
stitch the upper edge of the bodice starting at a side seam (keeps it hidden)
and stitch all the way around.
At this time you can take the other two strips of fabric you
had set aside (we had two for the neck straps and now the 2 for the waist)
I stitched the two miss matched pieces right sides together,
then turn them through so the right sides are out again and top stitch the
strap. I then cut it in half. And set aside.
I then took the last strip for the coordinating fabric for
my front bodice piece and cut a strip the length of my finished bodice (added a
½ inch) by 4 ½ inches wide. Fold this piece in half right sides together so
it’s now 2 ¼ inches wide and iron flat. I then placed the two waist straps
(remember we just cut those in half and set aside) in between the right sides
of the front bodice piece so the raw edges are together. I matched the stitch
seams with the bodice where the back and front are stitched. Stitch down each
side of your coordinating bodice piece.
At this time I found it easiest to stitch this to the
bodice. I lined up the raw edges of the coordinating piece to the bodice and
top stitched up the edges and across top of the coordinating piece so it is now
a part of the bodice.
Take your bodice (now one big piece) and place your piece of
elastic into the back piece inside, pinning the ends of your elastic between
the stitch lines and pin into place.
Finished elastic casing |
I find this hard to describe but easy to do, once you have
your elastic pinned in place stitch down your seam line (careful of your pin)
to start creating your elastic casing to hold the elastic in place. Once you
get just past the elastic leave your needle down and then turn your fabric so
you are sewing towards yourself and the other end of the back bodice piece. You
are going to sew just along the elastic (don’t sew the elastic) and as you go
pull the elastic with your left hand away from yourself and with your right
guide the fabric through the machine. When you get to the seam line with your
sewing machine foot keep the needle down lift the foot and turn the fabric
again so you are stitching back up to the top of the bodice. Ta da your elastic
casing. If you know another away that works better for you do it that way.
Now back to the Bubble skirt portion of this tutorial.
I surged the edges of my top skirt just to clean up all the
loose threads from stitching the strips together
(this isn’t a must
but helped me clean it up)
Take your beautiful tube of colorful strips and sew a
gathering stitch all the way around.
To make your gathering stitch, I took maybe 3 stitches then I found what
works for me is to reach up with my left hand (I’m right handed) and pinch my
thread with my fingers.
pinch thread to gather while you stitch |
Keeping my tension set at it’s loosest stitch which is 6 on
my Pfaff, and pinch the thread and stitch away and it gathers my fabric for me,
works perfect every time.
Gathered Nicely |
Gather the top and bottom of your top skirt (the colorful
Take your remanent (Lining piece) of fabric and sew the
short ends together, on mine it was the two 18 inch sides and make another
You will want to do the gather stitch on the top and bottom
of this as well.
Place the right sides of your lining and your top skirt and
place together, make sure you have the correct size to go around your child’s
legs if you gather too much it will be too small and they will not be able to
run and walk in it. My child is a small size 3 and the total circumference of
the bottom of the skirt is 32 inches.
Stitch together now turn back around so the right sides are out. This
seam will be the bottom of your skirt.
Take the remaining raw edges of your skirt and linings put
wrong sides together, I basted these together loosen enough so I could gather
it smaller to match the size of the bodice. Place your bodice right side and
raw edges of skirt right sides together, pin and stitch.
Bodice pinned to the skirt right sides together |
Turn it right side out and admire your creation.
This was very easy and fun to make
This is my first tutorial so please bare with me while take this running leap into blogging and tutorials